A public hearing is Jan. 4 on the draft environmental impact statement for the Quendall Terminals mixed-used development.
The proposed project is located adjacent to Lake Washington on 21.46 acres zoned commercial/office/residential. The document evaluates potential impacts of the proposed development.
The document is made available for public review and comment by the City of Renton’s Environmental Review Committee.
Copies are available for review at the Renton Main Library, 100 Mill Ave. S., and the Renton Highlands Branch Library, located at 2902 NE 12th Street, and at Renton City Hall, customer service counter, sixth floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, and on the City of Renton’s website rentonwa.gov.
The public hearing is at 6 p.m. Jan. 4 in the Renton City Council chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall.