From a press release:
More than 20,000 engineers and technical workers at The Boeing Company have until 5 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17, to return ballots on new six-year contract offers.
Two contracts covering separate bargaining units of the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), IFPTE Local 2001, were recently negotiated and are now being voted on by union members. The Professional Unit contract covers 14,169 engineers, and the Technical Unit contract covers 6,024 technical workers. While the majority of workers are at Boeing facilities in the Puget Sound region, the contract offers also cover workers in Oregon, Utah, California and Florida.
Originally scheduled for counting on Feb. 10, the voting deadline was extended when a data processing error resulted in some engineers receiving ballots for the technical workers’ contract vote. New, color-coded ballot packages were prepared and mailed to members of both bargaining units on Feb. 2.
SPEEA negotiators and the two bargaining unit councils are recommending members vote to accept the agreements.
Thousands of members have attended information meetings to learn details of the offers in recent weeks in the workplace and at union halls in Tukwila and Everett. SPEEA also produced informational videos for its website that explain different elements of the tentative agreements.
A local of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), SPEEA represents more than 23,000 engineers, technical workers, pilots and other aerospace professionals in Washington, Kansas, Oregon, Utah, California and Florida.