Microsoft helps spruce up Vision House

Fifteen Microsoft employees recently completed a long list of chores for Vision House in the Renton Highlands.

They helped prepare the resident store where Vision House families will shop, for free, and also cleaned out the storage garages where donations are kept.

In addition the employees weeded, mowed the lawns, watered, raked and did basic yard maintenance.

The volunteer work at the Children’s Village Child Care Center and elsewhere on the grounds was part of the United Way Day of Caring on Sept. 11.

Vision House is a transitional housing facility for homeless mothers and their children.

Founded in 1990 by husband and wife, John and Susan Camerer, Vision House is committed to making a significant contribution to the community by reducing the number of homeless men, women and children in Washington state.

Their vision is to dramatically change the lives of the homeless by providing housing and services, helping residents gain the skills and confidence to become self-sufficient and avoid homelessness, poverty and abuse in the future.