Asher, Avery are independent thinkers | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

"Stuart and Beth have the character and quality to be outstanding council members representing our community."

I’m endorsing Stuart Avery and Beth Asher for Renton City Council because I truly believe they will be independent thinkers who want to do what’s best for the people of Renton.

Stuart: Service and stewardship! He is a man of integrity, which I hear from everyone who knows him. He’s honest, smart, ethical and sincerely interested in people. He’s also strong enough to stand up to the “powers that be” in a respectful but firm manner, as we have seen with the LIBRARY issue in the past few years. Stuart’s 28 years with the same company as operations VP demonstrates his commitment and dedication to excellence.

Beth:  SMART! “Whip smart” I’ve called her for years. She’s an amazing researcher, always wanting to learn. She’s excited to meet new people, interested to hear their views. Folks gravitate toward her outgoing, friendly demeanor. She has an amazing energy and enthusiasm. And persistence, as evidenced by the multi-year library struggle.

Both of these two may be cast as “one-issue” candidates but nothing is further from the truth. They have faithfully come to council meetings for the past several years to learn about Renton. They have a good grasp of current issues council is dealing with and spend time getting educated.

Stuart and Beth have the character and quality to be outstanding council members representing our community. That’s why I’ve endorsed them and will be working hard for them this campaign season.

Marcie Palmer,