Renton earns another Governor’s Smart Communities Award

For its partnership with Sunset Gardens, the city won the Smart Partnership Award.

Renton just keeps on winning.

On Aug. 12, it was announced that Sunset Gardens in Renton had received a 2024 Washington Governor’s Smart Communities Award (GSCA), which recognizes local governments and their partners for exceptional land use planning and development.

“Each year, I get to elevate plans, projects or partnerships that change how we see our state,” said Governor Jay Inslee. “This year, I am excited to share three separate housing awards, demonstrating just how important affordable housing is to our communities and just how effective we can be in handling our statewide housing needs.”

Sunset Gardens, which was completed in April with a partnership consisting of the City of Renton, the Renton Housing Authority, King County, State Housing Finance Commission and JP Morgan Chase Bank, won the Smart Partnership Award, which recognizes a join public project that implements a comprehensive plan.

Located at 2902 Northeast 10th Street in Renton, Sunset Gardens is a four-story mixed-use building providing affordable apartments for veterans, individuals with disabilities and seniors who earn less that 50% area median income (AMI).

“Over the past 15 years, the city has worked with Renton Housing Authority, Renton School District, and numerous other public and private partners to revitalize the Sunset Area. The city and our partners have collaborated on several projects, including four affordable housing rental projects, a new library, a new accessible playground, a 3-acre neighborhood park, and various neighborhood infrastructure projects, including a regional stormwater facility, road and utility upgrades, and additional park improvements,” said Renton Mayor Armondo Pavone.

From the GSCA announcement: “With a project cost of $50 million, not including the land donated by the housing authority, Sunset Gardens fulfills part of Renton’s 2015 comprehensive plan and highlights the city’s use of a 0.1% sales tax increase to help with affordable housing and mental health services.”

Since the Governor’s Smart Communities Award launched in 2006, Renton has now won 14 awards, starting with the first award in 2012 for the City Center Community Plan and its 20-year Parks Plan in 2012.

Renton also won for the Sunset Area Community Plan in 2013, the Meadow Crest Early Learning Center and Meadow Crest Accessible Playground in 2014, the Kirkland Avenue Townhomes in 2015, the Downtown Renton Library in 2016, the Galvanizing Art Project in 2017, the Sartori Elementary School in 2018, the Willowcrest Townhomes in 2021, the city’s Rainier/Grady Junction Transit-Oriented Development Subarea Plan in 2022 and for the South Lake Washington Revitalization project and for the Family First Community Center in 2023.

According to the Washington State Department of Commerce, the Governor’s Smart Communities Awards highlight “effective implementation of the state’s Growth Management Act (GMA) and other local or regional planning procedures.” The twelve winners are nominated by a panel of independent judges from across the state, and then approved by the Governor’s Office.