Community Foundation to mark its 10th

Renton’s Community Foundation will celebrate its 10th anniversary on Jan. 21 by awarding $42,000 from its Circle of Giving program to 19 organizations.

The public is invited to the free event from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Renton Senior Center, 211 Burnett Ave. N.

Honored guests will be the founding members of the foundation. The original Board of Directors consisted of two representatives from five community organizations: City of Renton, Jay Covington and King Parker; Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, Sharon Eklund and Marcie Maxwell; Renton School District, Dolores Gibbons and Joy Poff; Renton Technical School, Robert Roberts and Chuck Tiernan; Valley Medical Center, Rich Roodman and Terry Pile. There are also 10 members from the community at-large: Harry Blencoe, Bernadine Dochnahl, Gary Faull, Stacey Hendrickson, Dan Kellogg, Gary Kowles, Ron McGowan, Betty Nokes, Ted Rodriguez and Sue Scott.

A powerpoint presentation by Lynn Bohart, Executive director, and Bruce Hudson of Hudson Photography will highlight the achievements of the first 10 years. The “Circle of Giving” has awarded close to $300,000 in grants during that time, according to Bohart.

The Renton Community Foundation, which is made up of 45 individual charitable funds, has distributed more than $2 million to the community in the past 10 years for numerous community needs.

The “Circle of Giving” is an adjunct of the Renton Community Foundation and consists of members who contribute $1,000 or more for grants. This group then selects the recipients. Donors will be recognized at the “birthday” party.

Major recipients of this year’s grants include Renton School District, Renton Community Foundation and Renton Rotary Salvation Army Food Bank. Other groups chosen are Renton Area Youth & Family Services, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, City of Renton Community Services, St. Vincent de Paul, Renton Clothes Bank, Way Back Inn, A.R.I.S.E, Vision House, Skyway Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, St. Anthony’s Mom to Mom Program, Pediatric Interim Care Center, Renton Annual Art Show, Budkis Fund and Allied Arts of Renton.

Light refreshments and a birthday cake will be part of the celebration.

For further information contact Char Baker, event chair, 425-255-5145; or Lynn Bohart, 425-282-5199.