UPDATE: Coulon to reopen for swimming at noon Wednesday

According to Recreation Director Kris Stimpson, the city received the notification from the county around 4 p.m. Tuesday and decided to wait until Wednesday to call back lifeguards and officially reopen the swimming area.

Tests taken Monday by King County officials show bacteria at Gene Coulon Memorial Park are back at acceptable levels and the city plans to reopen the beach at noon on Wednesday.

According to Recreation Director Kris Stimpson, the city received the notification from the county around 4 p.m. Tuesday and decided to wait until Wednesday to call back lifeguards and officially reopen the swimming area.

The swimming area will be open from noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday.

The beach was closed Friday after regular county testing revealed higher-than-acceptable levels of fecal coliform, a bacteria found in the digestive tracts of most animals, including geese, dogs and humans.