Building confidence will help child succeed

As parents, we want our children to have positive experiences and succeed in life. One of the ways you can help contribute to this goal is to build up your child’s confidence. Here are four ideas to lay down a foundation that will build up your child’s confidence:

1. “I am proud of you!” Those simple words can make a world of difference. Tell your child that you are proud of the things they achieve and even when they do not reach their goal, let them know “I am proud of your effort.” The point is to help your child gain more confidence to try new things and continue to do well with what they are good at.

2. Encourage talents. Take an opportunity to think of all the things your child is good at. Next, choose one talent your child wants to pursue and work on it with them. It could be as simple as taking your child outdoors with a camera and allowing him to take pictures of nature on the weekend because he is interested in photography. The purpose is to provide a positive experience for your child and allow them to excel at something.

3. Do not label. From the day our children are born we give them nicknames, like “cutie pie” and “little stinker.” Be mindful when choosing nicknames. Give your children positive labels that reflect inner personality traits. Sometimes parents put a spotlight on the physical traits their child possesses, but it may cause confusion in how the child values themselves. Saying that they are beautiful or a certain trait is ugly, like having large ears or freckles can build or tear-down their confidence in the wrong way. Focusing on your child’s physical characteristics whether good or bad teaches them that looks are what’s important.

4. Reflect positivity. The way you perceive your children is usually how they perceive themselves. Take a moment to think about the messages you send to your child. Are they positive or negative? If you find yourself always focusing on the negative, adjust your thoughts and give recognition of the positive. Providing positive reflections of your child helps him feel good about himself.

With these simple confidence-building blocks, your child will be well on their way to building a castle of self-confidence.

Happy Parenting.

Genova Hooks is a Renton native, graduating from Renton High School in 2002. Genova is a Youth Development and Parent Specialist at Renton Area Youth and Family Services for the Rites of Passage program. She has experience working with at-risk, low-income, ethnically-diverse youth by helping them reach their personal and academic goals.