I-405 STAGE 2: What to expect from the freeway work this week

Go here for updates on the Stage 2 I-405 project through downtown Renton.


To report a noise concern or to comment, call the project 24-hour noise hotline number at 425-496-2010.


Aug. 3 and 4: On Benson Road, east of Sam’s Club, crews will drill nightly between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. to investigate soil conditions. When saw-cutting the pavement, a brief high-pitch sound is generated. Expect to hear consistent large truck engine noise during drilling. Intermittent banging may be heard when obtaining a soil sample.

Aug. 6: To prepare for construction, crews will move concrete barrier between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. on northbound SR 167 on-ramp to northbound I-405. Expect to hear sounds of large trucks lifting and moving the concrete barriers along I-405 near the on-ramp.


Renton Hill: This week, crews will continue removing vegetation from the property between I-405 and Cedar Avenue. Next, they’ll begin excavating dirt in the Rolling Hills area.

Crews will then move the dirt to a location near Cedar Avenue South using excavators, dump trucks and a conveyor-belt system. Look for this to start the week of Aug. 10. This work will occur during the daytime.

On Aug. 6, parking on one side of Cedar Avenue South will be temporarily restricted in the morning while crews bring in a vegetation chipper.

Rolling Hills:This week, crews will continue clearing vegetation from the Rolling Hills area to prepare the area for the new northbound I-405 on-ramp. This work will occur during the daytime.

Crews will begin excavation this week at the inactive Renton civic dump. You may see workers wearing protective clothing to follow health and safety procedures and to protect them from exposure to unknown material they excavate.

Talbot Road/Renton Village Place: Crews continue to excavate materials and prepare the area along Talbot Road (across from Renton Village Place) for the new I-405 southbound off-ramp construction storage area.


Answers to questions about the I-405 projects and picnics:

• Talbot Hill, Victoria Hills, and Victoria Park neighborhood picnic, Aug. 6

• Renton Hill neighborhood picnic, Aug. 26

• Rolling Hills neighborhood picnic, Aug. 27