Curious, aren’t they, the words people say that shape us, for good and bad for the rest of our lives?
Watching the 8mm Whale family films my dad shot when we were kids on the old Kodak takes me back…
Call it the sweetness of life.
Dad never finished the bomb shelter.
It was 3 p.m. on a recent Friday, and there I was, at my computer, desperate to dig up information…
If you try to reason with people like that, that the conspiracy they are going on about isn’t real, you become part of the conspiracy and are trying to hoodwink them.
As humorist and social critic H.L. Mencken wrote, “A man who can laugh, if only at himself, is never really miserable.”
It will be about what does not perish when we do.
Life without hope draws nectar in a sieve, hope without an object cannot live.
The risk posed to the 21-mile corridor could affect more than 27,000 residents and the stability of 28,000 jobs.
I’ve heard people say that human beings are the only creatures that know they will die.
As the poet Theodore Roethke once wrote: “In a dark time the eye begins to see…”
“Learn a new language and get a new soul.”
I can’t shake the conviction that a sense of perpetual aggrievement is one of the key components of the engine driving our national estrangement.
I was curious. I had to know what was true. So I set out to educate myself.
Perhaps my brain injected a bit of humor to cover the shock. But I felt the gut punch.
I have always been fascinated by the titles we Americans have bestowed on our towns and cities over time.
“Carbon footprint” was the crowning achievement of an advertising campaign.
Tony – not his real name – was a gifted writer.
I was listening to the radio on the way in to work the other day when I caught a discussion…
Before we put the veterans back on the shelf until the next observance, I think it’s worthwhile to consider a few of the things they have done for us that we may have forgotten.
One of the largest Veterans Day parades west of the Mississippi returns to Auburn on Saturday, Nov. 11.
“We did not expect you to make it,” doc says.