It does seem to me that you (Editor’s Note, “A City of Fairwood needs careful thought,” Renton Reporter, Jan. 9) have already settled into the need for Fairwood to be annexed to the City of Renton. However, as a recently incorporated family into Renton, I must point out that if I had been aware of the problems following annexation, I would never have voted for it.
I was assured that there would be an increase in police services and visibility following annexation. The one and only time I have seen a police car in our neighborhood (Summerfield) was last Sunday when one of our neighbors died and there were two fire engines, two police cars and a fire command vehicle that came in response. By the way, it was a natural, non-suspicious death.
One of the assurances made at the time of annexation was that our garbage service would remain and that costs would remain the same for seven years, after which the City of Renton would assume responsibility for garbage collection. The city then promptly negotiated a new contract with Waste Management which doubles our fees for garbage collection, but cuts our service in half.
I hope that individuals considering a vote on incorporation analyze the reasons and realize that getting annexed will not necessarily improve their lot, rather it may worsen it.
George Toulouse