Board president shows fiscal responsibility

As I read the Editor’s Note and Mr. Sullivan’s letter to the editor (Renton Reporter, Feb. 24, 2012) regarding the UW alliance and Dr. Paul Joos’ commentary regarding same, I have to comment that as part of the community served by Valley, we are very appreciative of Dr. Joos’ first being elected to the board and his stand on thoroughly investigating this UW/Valley alliance.

As I read the Editor’s Note and Mr. Sullivan’s letter to the editor (Renton Reporter, Feb. 24, 2012) regarding the UW alliance and Dr. Paul Joos’ commentary regarding same, I have to comment that as part of the community served by Valley, we are very appreciative of Dr. Joos’ first being elected to the board and his stand on thoroughly investigating this UW/Valley alliance.

I do not believe Dr. Joos is exhibiting “petty politics” by taking a more conservative stand.  After living in Renton since 1974,  my husband and I have been dismayed about the rubber stamping propensity of the former Valley boards for spending, sometimes foolishly, of the taxpayer’s dollars.

Dr. Joos is a breath of fresh air and fiscal responsibility as well as a fine eye doctor to us both.   This was the first hospital board election we both were excited about in many a year.

Jeanie Baurichter
