Library best downtown | Letter to the editor

I read Mr. Parker’s commentary (Renton Reporter, March 16, 2012) about the new library being in its new location and want to write and say it was in my opinion an excellently written explanation about this decision.

I read Mr. Parker’s commentary (Renton Reporter, March 16, 2012)  about the new library being in its new location and want to write and say it was in my opinion an excellently written explanation about this decision.

I agree completely with him and have always been of the opinion that it will be a very good thing, in the long run, for downtown Renton and all its citizens.

I am a resident of south Renton and consider myself part of the downtown area. I feel we have lots of potential to revitalize this area and having a beautiful new library on the Big 5 lot with the Piazza next to it and the bus station will be exciting for many reasons.

I’ve always been confident that the current library will be used to good advantage to all the people of Renton and beyond and I’m looking forward to seeing what it will become.  I am very appreciative of all the hard work and concern for the greater good of the Renton area and its residents that have gone into all the decisions surrounding this huge project.  Let’s all try to look at the glass one-half full rather than one-half empty and think of ways we, as citizens, can contribute to the vitality of this wonderful city.

Linda Clauson
