Prince has a call to duty for city | Letter to the editor

It’s funny how life works out. I have known Ed Prince since I was three years old. We were neighbors growing up on Beacon Hill, and now Ed and I both live in Renton, he with his wife and son and me with my wife and children. I have known Ed almost my entire life, and I have seen Ed blossom as a father and family man.

It’s funny how life works out. I have known Ed Prince since I was three years old. We were neighbors growing up on Beacon Hill, and now Ed and I both live in Renton, he with his wife and son and me with my wife and children. I have known Ed almost my entire life, and I have seen Ed blossom as a father and family man.

When he and Meegan adopted their son Alex, becoming a parent changed him, as it changes everyone. Ed has always had a sort of global sense of responsibility to his community, an expectation of himself to serve. But when he became a Dad, that commitment to be a decent steward of our world both intensified outwardly, and truly came home inwardly. Ed puts his family first in every way, and for him that includes doing the right thing in his community. It includes everything from being environmentally sensible to working on public safety issues to being there for people who hit hard times, because the world he’s helping to shape is the world he’s giving to his son. Ed’s outlook on community service and on taking care of his family are one and the same — it is a truly satisfying call to duty that he approaches with love and enjoyment and dedication to doing the best he can. That’s the kind of man I want on our City Council.

Lawrence L. Corpuz
