As a patron of the Renton Public Library for the last decade, I am appalled how most of the Renton City Council has given up and is willing to outsource one of the most efficient, customer-service-centered library systems in the county.
My 6-year-old son Angus was starting to lie to us in order to avoid punishment. I called the downtown Renton Public Library and was sent to the librarian who dealt most with the children’s collection. Within a minute she had half a dozen books she recommended. The King County Library System is so customer focused that people from Kent, Benson Hill, and Fairwood go to the downtown Renton Public Library even though it’s not their local library.
I belong to the KCLS, Seattle and Renton public libraries. The Renton Library System I can get almost any title (new release or otherwise) within five working days at most. The Seattle and KCLS system I will sometimes have to wait six to eight months just to get a new release. The Renton Public Library system is in the predicament it’s in due to more than 30 years of neglect by the Renton city government.
I’ve been so impressed with the Renton Library I drew up my will to have 10 percent of my estate bequeathed to it. If the KCLS annexation passes, this planned gift will be null and void for excellent reasons. Vote no to outsourcing and keeping the Renton Public Library System a representation of its citizens.
Marc K. Nordlund