I am a former trustee of Renton Technical College and served on the board with the three current trustees who fired Dr. Don Bressler. I am in total disbelief. The job of the trustees is to set policy and see to it that the policies are followed. It is not their job to run the college on a daily basis.
Although I do not know the details, the response to “Why” was Dr. Bressler fired (“because we can”) is a total cop out. If the board cannot give a reasonable explanation to the community, then I would ask them to review THEIR job responsibilities and reconsider THEIR answer. The community has a right to know; at least the community leaders have a right to know. The board members are policy makers ONLY. What policies were not followed? Why couldn’t a solution be worked out? The questions go on and on.
This is a sad day for the City of Renton, the community at large and most of all Renton Technical College, instructors, staff and students.
Diana Postlewait