There is an open seat on the Washington State Supreme Court, which will be filled in the November election. Four candidates are running for this position, but one of them, Sheryl Gordon McCloud, is uniquely qualified by experience and intellect to fill the seat.
Sheryl has been a public defender, now has her own law practice, and has taught law at Seattle University. So she has seen the law profession from many angles. Through all of this, she has specialized in appellate cases, where the conduct of a fair trial is the issue. And she has worked on many constitutional issues. She has had the opportunity to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as the Washington State Supreme Court on numerous occasions. She therefore understands what goes on in appeal courts. She has been rated as “exceptionally well qualified” by the King County Bar Association, Pierce County Bar Association, and by the Cardoza Society. All of this gives her outstanding experience to serve as a Supreme Court judge.
Here you have a candidate that is respected in her profession, has a strong drive for fairness and following the constitutions of Washington and the United States, and will work very hard for the people of Washington. She would appreciate your vote in the Aug. 7 Primary, and again on Nov. 6 in the General Election.
Richard V. Gidner