This is in response to the letter in the Renton Reporter on Jan. 23 titled “Annexation problems.”
Yes, I agree there has been problems with the annexation, but in reality the problems appear to be small when compared to the choice of having remained in unincorporated King County. While you may not have seen much (if any) increase in police presence in your neighborhood, maybe it is because of two possibilities. The first being you live in a neighborhood that has a low crime rate. The second being is if the first is not correct, then have you tried calling 911? The police aren’t aware of a problem unless you tell them about it.
It is curious that you say the garbage has doubled. When you lived in unincorporated King County you would have paid (effective Jan. 1) $21.57 but with the City of Renton the charge is $18.41 (this is for a 35-gallon can, price changes with size of garbage can).
With unincorporated King County you got the garbage can for the above price plus the recycle cart (blue) and service for free and could order service for yard and waste pickup (grey cart) for an additional $8 to $10. With Renton you get both carts for no additional charge. When I add it up it appears to be both a drop in price and increase in service. The only way that I can see where the price doubled is if you kept your garbage around your home for a month or two and then hauled it to the dump. I am sure your neighbors appreciated that.
Dave McCammon