Building a new library, estimated at $9 million, versus renovating the Cedar River site as a library, estimated at $13 million, on the surface seems like a no brainer.
If we build the new one, which is currently funded, then we still have to renovate the old site so it can be used for some other purpose. Let’s assume renovation would modestly run around $3-4 million, currently unfunded and subject to future bond approvals. If approved, the total bill for both buildings is close to $13 million – so it’s a wash.
Money isn’t driving the division between Renton citizens, but generational likes and dislikes.
The young, progressive generation would prefer a new building with more access to books and information through technology, rather than physical books. They like the feel of a keyboard and touch screen.
The older, conservative generation would prefer renovating a perfectly good site with emphasis on books versus technology. They like the feel and smell of holding a book.
As I see it, the outcome will rest solely on which generation feels like voting.
Tish Gregory, Renton