Think of the children, vote yes on R-74 | Letter to the editor

He has now grown to 6’4” and 200 pounds, and we don’t worry so much, until someone calls him names and ridicules him for perceived differences. Although those jibes are hurtful and cause him pain and embarrassment, at least we can do something to bring him a measure of equality. We can work to make it legal for our son to be married if and when he chooses.

Our son was placed in our arms 33 years ago . . . so tiny he seemed like a little bird. He has added such richness and love to our family. When as an adult he told us he realized that he was gay, our first thought was, “How do we keep him safe?”

He has now grown to 6’4” and 200 pounds, and we don’t worry so much, until someone calls him names and ridicules him for perceived differences. Although those jibes are hurtful and cause him pain and embarrassment, at least we can do something to bring him a measure of equality. We can work to make it legal for our son to be married if and when he chooses.

We believe in keeping religion from dictating how laws are made and enforced. We believe the people of Washington state will realize it is wrong to deny our son (or anyone’s child) the right to a legal civil marriage with the one he loves.

We hope voters will read Referendum 74 for themselves so they know what it ACTUALLY says rather than being told what it says. It gives religious or faith organizations the express freedom from performing religious marriage ceremonies for any couple. It specifically states, however, that businesses offering services to the public must comply with current non-discrimination laws.

Please be thoughtful when you vote on Nov. 6. Our children and yours are counting on you to approve Referendum 74.

Barbara Clark-Elliott
