If you are looking for more color than consider filling the gaps in your garden with perennial plants for come-back color year after year.
Allergies are abnormal immune system reactions to things that are usually harmless to most people. Substances that cause allergic reactions, such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines, are known as allergens.
Starting Thursday Renton High School’s drama department will put on the musical, “The Wiz.”
Here are 5 Dirt Cheap Garden Tips that you can bank on:
April is a good month for planting trees, shrubs, roses, perennial plants such as hosta and rock garden plants as well as hardy sedums and succulents and cool season vegetables.
Storybook Theatre presents ‘The Ugly Duckling” April 18 and 19 at Carco Theater in Renton.
This classic play moves smoothly between the centuries and explores the nature of truth and time, the difference between classical and romantic temperaments, and the disruptive influence of sex on our lives.
In addition to being the official caterers of the Renton Pavilion Event Center, Rain City has catering jobs all over the Pacific Northwest. But perhaps most famously there is the Mariners. During the season, Chef Jeremy preps the food in Renton and then drives it all down to Safeco Field.
This classic play moves smoothly between the centuries and explores the nature of truth and time, the difference between classical and romantic temperaments, and the disruptive influence of sex on our lives.
Here in Western Washington we have an abundance of evergreen trees and lots of shade. Add to this our plentiful overcast days and many gardeners struggle to add color to areas of dry shade.
Here’s the most asked questions from beginning vegetable gardeners – read them and reap.
For their first event, the organization has partnered with the 425 Theatre Project to present the three actors and sketch subjects, all dressed in Western attire.
Feeding the lawn in early spring helps the winter weary lawn to wake up and compete with the moss.
This month 14-year-old Kaedyn Kashmir will release her first album.
Time to educate yourself and ask questions before you purchase topsoil for landscape or lawn renovation projects.
Wehn is recognized for creating over two hundred public sculptures, memorials, plaques and statues, including the Chief Seattle fountain statue in 1912.
“On a recent morning I was tying one on at The Berliner Gastropub (my Pippimamma apron that is) and continuing a heated conversation with the husband and wife dynamic duo of Dennis and Lydia Mascarinas, proprietors of the Berliner Pub in Downtown Renton.”
Pollinators include birds, bees, butterflies and moths that all need the nectar of flowers this time of year for the energy it takes to pollinate the plants and keep us humans alive.
In this special, family-friendly performance, Global Heat will celebrate the Black roots of hip hop through fusion music, break dancing, and the spoken word.
Directed by Kevin Miller, this is the tale of an ostentatious wedding reception at a Knoxville, Tenn. estate, where five reluctant, identically clad bridesmaids hide out in an upstairs bedroom.