More than 150 students from eight school districts in King County will gather in Renton Tuesday for a youth summit targeting tobacco use.
The gathering is called “Your Power, Your Voice: Youth Leadership Summit.”
Students will learn about and share their year-long projects focused on changing policies, practices and attitudes that promote tobacco use by students.
Tobacco use remains the single most preventable cause of disease and death in Washington state, and 90 percent of current adult tobacco users became addicted before they reached their 19th birthday, according to Public Health – Seattle and King County.
Overall, about a third of all kids who become regular smokers before adulthood will eventually die from smoking.
The conference is Tuesday morning at the Renton Community Center, with students Highline, Kent, Lake Washington, Mercer Island, Seattle, Shoreline, Snoqualmie Valley and Tukwila school districts.
Guest presenters include representatives from Reel Grrls and Puget Sound OFF, King County Councilmember and Board of Health Chair Joe McDermott, Seattle School Board Director Betty Patu and Sea-Tac Parks Director Kit Ledbetter.
The summit is supported through Communities Putting Prevention to Work, a federally-funded campaign to fight obesity and tobacco use, and is being co-hosted by the Puget Sound Educational Service District, Seattle Public Schools and Public Health – Seattle & King County.
The Renton School District is not participating in the summit because it will use its grant money for a student-led media campaign regarding health eating.