Jason Hennig and Griffin Mitchell, members of Boy Scout Troop 492 in Renton, were recently honored as the first members of their troop to earn Scouting’s highest honor, the Eagle Scout Award.
Approximately 4 percent of all Boy Scouts attain the Eagle rank. Requirements for each candidate include earning 21 merit badges and successfully completing a community, church, or synagogue-related service project.
Hennig is a 2013 graduate of Lindbergh High School and is currently attending Western Washington University in Bellingham. He is the son of John and Suzy Hennig. For his service project, Hennig chose to build a structure to be used for social events and group photographs at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Renton.
Mitchell is also a 2013 graduate of Lindbergh High School. He is the son of Paul and Sue Mitchell. Mitchell’s Eagle Scout project provided new steps along a hillside trail at Sound View Camp and Retreat Center in Longbranch.
Both Hennig and Mitchell are charter members of Troop 492.