Efforts are on to help save Renton swimming pools at Lindbergh and Hazen high schools.
A community meeting is 6 p.m. on Jan. 12 in the Lindbergh Library.
Three weeks ago about 25 area residents met to kick off their plans to organize fund-raising efforts to collect the $60,000 needed to keep the pools open.
The future of both Lindbergh and Hazen pools remain in jeopardy for the 2011-2012 school year as anticipated budget cuts loom.
Last year the community, City of Renton and the school district raised $175,000 to close the gap in funding for the 2010-2011 school year.
This year the district won’t get a $40,000 contribution from the City of Renton, which was one-time-only money left over from the Benson Hill annexation.
Instead of the $15,000 it had to raise last year, the community has been asked to raise $60,000 by a July deadline.
At the meeting Dec. 8, community members brainstormed more than 50 suggested actions in the areas of business, advertising, donations, swim team and community outreach, pool user focus groups, donation management and interaction with the district.
Chris Carlson, who spoke up at an earlier meeting to organize the effort, ran the meeting on Dec. 8.
He has a vested interest in saving the pools because his son, who graduated from Hazen, was a swimmer and went to state several times.
“I look at it as giving back,” Carlson said. Swimming was a big part of his son’s life and he has received so much community support that he says it’s his turn and people with a similar interest’s turn to take the next step.
Just in the beginning stages of planning, the group so far has created a Facebook page for those interested to stay informed of its plans.
“The community can help by reaching out to potential users,” Carlson said.
Groups such as preschoolers and seniors would make great users of the pool he said. Currently, Hazen’s pool isn’t open during the school day to classes like the Lindbergh pool. And the Lindbergh pool is open and fully operational. It’s been a common misconception that the pool has been closed, he said.
Right now, three Renton high schools use the pools, in addition to Kentridge High School and private swim clubs.
Save the pools
What: The Renton pools commuity is organizing fund-raising efforts to save Lindbergh and Hazen swimming pools.
When: The next meeting is 6 p.m., Jan. 12
Where: Lindbergh Library, 16426 128th Ave. S.E.
More information: Search “Renton Pools Community” on Facebook