The City of Renton is encouraging local residents to get creative while staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This weekend, the City of Renton Recreation and Neighborhoods Division is providing one bucket of chalk per family at various drive-through locations as a way to generate inspiration and enjoyment for local neighborhoods. Chalk buckets are available while supplies last.
When decorating your sidewalk or driveway May 4-10, the city advises to follow social distancing guidelines and use Renton’s daily theme guide to spark your creativity.
Message Monday: Create a message or drawing to inspire others during “Stay Home, Stay Safe.”
Superhero Tuesday: Who’s your superhero? Give thanks to essential workers such as doctors, nurses, first responders, military, mail carriers, grocery store clerks and more.
Wellness Wednesday: Create a hopscotch, an obstacle course, or other exercises to get moving.
Throwback Thursday: Share what you miss most before social distancing and “Stay Home, Stay Safe.” School, parks, shopping, coffee? Share those memories.
Fantasy Friday: Add some fantasy to your Friday by drawing unicorns, knights, dreamy castles or even Renton’s own dragon Erasmus. Use your imagination.
Saturday and Sunday Weekend Warriors: Fill in the rest of your space creating one unbelievable art scape for pure viewing enjoyment.
If you share your creations on social media, be sure to tag #LetsGoChalkRTN. Chalk kit pickups will be from Friday, May 1, through Sunday, May 3, at the following locations:
Friday, May 1, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Renton Community Center, 1715 Maple Valley Hwy.
Saturday, May 2, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Kennydale Elementary, 1700 NE 28th St
Cascade Elementary, 16022 116th Ave. SE
Sunday, May 3, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Highlands Elementary, 2720 NE 7th St
Maplewood Heights, 130 Jericho Ave. NE