The City of Renton has recently heard from customers who have expressed concern about Metro’s proposed reduction in the number of stalls that they are making available at the City Center Parking Garage for customers using the park and ride.
When it was time to renew their annual contract with the City of Renton, Metro decided to reduce the number of stalls they would lease from 200 to 150, effective in 2015, and have subsequently posted flyers around the garage that have resulted in customer concerns.
“We would like to emphasize that this decision has been made by Metro and not the City of Renton,” said Peter Renner, Facilities Director. “The rates that the city offers Metro for the stalls in the parking garage are below market rates and significantly less than the rates Metro pays for stalls in other cities such as Kenmore, Issaquah and Federal Way.”
The City of Renton considers investing in transportation options as a vital part of its economic infrastructure and has partnered with Sound Transit and Metro to subsidize mass transit. Unlike in other cities where Metro has invested in park and ride infrastructure and has built and maintained parking garages, the park and ride facility in Renton was built by the city and is currently being paid for by Renton residents.
The city currently charges Metro a monthly rate of $30 per stall, which is lower than the current market rate of $42 per stall. Metro also pays rates as high as $96 in other cities.
“We are currently exploring options for the city to provide monthly parking to Renton residents at a rate less than or equal to what Metro currently pays us for space,” said Mayor Denis Law. “We are also urging Metro and Sound Transit to invest in infrastructure in our city and provide our residents with much needed services.”
Metro has informed the city that they are trying to provide adequate parking in the vicinity of the Renton Transit Center to meet current demand, while managing their budget. They have also secured additional spaces for park and ride users including at the Renton Park and Ride Garage at Metropolitan Place.
-from a press release