City of Renton Mayor Denis Law officially dedicated the Riverview Bridge in a ribbon cutting ceremony this past month.
“This bridge connects more than the park and natural area,” he said. “It’s an example of the city, county and state working together to provide access to high quality recreation opportunities. It preserves our natural areas for enjoyment by both current and future generations.”
The mayor was joined at the ceremony by city, county and state officials, along with representatives from the Washington State Department of Commerce, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and environmental groups.
The new Riverview Bridge is 135-foot feet long, spans the Cedar River and connects the park and surrounding natural habitat. The construction was completed in two phases to account for environmental issues. The former bridge was removed in 2014 and the new aluminium bridge fabricated and installed in 2016.
The bridge opened to the public on April 22, 2016.
Funds from the State and King County paid for nearly all of the $1.34 million project, which included demolition of an existing 20-year wooden bridge, improvements to the surrounding habitat and installation of interpretive signage. The state budget provided $1.1 million and $150,000 was from a King County voter-approved parks levy (2007 King County Proposition 2).