Council roundup: Biennial Budget first hearing

Also: Renton City Councilmembers will get a pay raise.

Business went smoothly in this half-hour Renton City Council Meeting on July 22. There were two public comments, and the usual administrative report, consent agenda, unfinished business, legislation and new business proceeded without fault.

There was one public hearing, the proposed 2025-2026 Biennial Budget first hearing, to solicit public comment, which went without comment. Renton Fiscal Services Director Kristin Trivelas went up to the podium and described what the public hearing was for.

“The city is required to hold a public hearing prior to adoption of the biennial budget and setting of the property tax levy for the coming year,” Trivelas said. “This is the first of three public hearings. The second and third public hearings are scheduled for October. The first public hearing is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide input prior to the development of the 2025, 2026 biennial budget.”

Notable action:

• From the administrative report: “The Surface Water Utility is accepting public comment on draft revisions to the 2024 Stormwater Management Program Plan through August 7. The revisions to the 2024 Stormwater Management Plan are needed to reflect additional requirements established in the new 2024‐2029 NPDES Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, which will be effective on Aug. 1. The Plan and instructions for making comments are on Renton’s website at

• AB—3626 on the consent agenda: This raises the salary of council members from $1,750 to $2,000 per month and the salary of Council Presidents from $2,050 to $2,300 per month, effective Sept. 1. Additional budget appropriations of $7,200 were approved to be included in the year-end budget adjustment. No changes were made to other Council benefits. The council adopted the consent agenda as published.