Students at McKnight Middle School collected 3,300 items of food for the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank in their annual food drive that began Dec. 1.
The food collected in the school-wide drive weighed nearly a ton, according to seventh-grade teacher Dave Black, who has coordinated the food drive for the last 12 years.
Before this year the food was delivered to the Seattle-based Northwest Harvest. But Black decided to give this year’s haul to the food bank in Renton.
“On the news it said the Renton food bank was hurting pretty bad,” Black says. “… I told the students they were helping out their classmates.”
The economic freeze was evident in the amount of food McKnight students donated this year. During past food drives students typically brought in 7,000 to 8,000 pounds — double the amount brought in this year.
Black said he was “half disappointed and half really proud,” of this year’s donations.
Renton Salvation Army Capt. Terry Masango said he’s glad to have the food. The items are now available to food-bank customers.
“I think it’s important that young children are giving back to the community so early,” he said. “… The community needs help not only from adults, but from anyone lending a hand…”
How to donate
Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank and Service Center accepts food and money donations year-round. Bring donations to the center at 206 S. Tobin. For more information, call 425-255-5969 or visit