Neighborhood grants available

The City of Renton is offering a second round of grants for the 2008 Neighborhood Grant Program, designed to stimulate resident-drivern community projects that build stronger neighborhoods and build partnerships between thecity and its neighborhoods.

The City of Renton is offering a second round of grants for the 2008 Neighborhood Grant Program, designed to stimulate resident-drivern community projects that build stronger neighborhoods and build partnerships between thecity and its neighborhoods.

The grants are available to residents who have organized themselves to plan and implement projects for the purpose of improving their neighborhoods.

The total amount of grant funds available in this round of funding for neighborhood projects is $8,947. The amount of matching grant funds allocated to neighborhoods is based on a project’s worthiness as determined by Renton City Council upon the recommendation of an interdepartmental team of city staff.

Grant projects are evaluated and selected based on several criteria including planning, neighborhood support, sweat equity, need, final project maintenance and benefit tothe general public.

Grant projects can include physical improvements or newsletter projects. Physical projects include those that build or enhance a feature of the neighborhood or benefit the general public. Examples of neighborhood improvement projects eligible for funds include:

• improvements or signage for neighborhood entries and gateways

• improvements to urban parks and public amenities (benches, sculptures, gardens)

• beautification of trails or play areas

• neighborhood clean-up

• community gardens

• projects that involve and/or benefit youth

Grant applications are due at 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10. E-mailed or faxed copies are not accepted.

For a grant application or for additional information, contact Norma McQuiller, neighborhood coordinator, at 425-430-6595 or by email at or Wendy Kirchner, Neighborhood Program assistant, at 425-430-6594 or by email at

The application is also available online at; click on Neighborhoods, then go to Neighborhood Grant Program.