Puget Sound marks 10 years of salmon-recovery efforts

The Cedar River is part of the the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed, whose salmon-recovery efforts are overseen by WRIA 8, a Watershed Resource Recovery Area.

The Puget Sound region is marking 10 years of salmon-recovery efforts in three major watersheds draining to Puget Sound, including the Cedar River.

The Cedar River is part of the the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed, whose salmon-recovery efforts are overseen by WRIA 8, a Watershed Resource Recovery Area.

Renton is a partner in WRIA 8.

A major effort by a number of agencies to rebuild the sockeye salmon runs on the Cedar River has been under way for years; millions of dollars have been spent to create and restore fish habitat.

In January 2007, the federal government approved the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan as the plan for recovering Chinook salmon. People across Puget Sound are now working to carry out its recommendations.

As of today, 47 jurisdictions and tribes in the three watersheds signed agreements that will ensure another decade of coordinated salmon recovery. King and Snohomish county jurisdictions and tribes contribute significant funding and staff time to meet restoration targets, choose key projects for priority funding and make sure that tax dollars yield the maximum environmental return on investment, according to a news release.

The Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed; the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed; and the South Fork Skykomish and Snoqualmie watersheds are the most populated in the state and home to several fish species including threatened Chinook salmon.

Since the plans were adopted 10 years ago, 3,280 acres have been protected, over 200 restoration projects have been completed, and 252 acres of floodplain have been reconnected across the three watersheds.

“We have accomplished much in the last 10 years, and learned many lessons; salmon recovery is a long-term commitment, and continuing the collaborative partnership among local partners is critical,” said Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Manager.

First released in 2005, the original habitat plans for each watershed laid the groundwork for 10 years of Chinook salmon recovery projects, programs and research.

Plan Implementation is guided by governing bodies in each Water Resource Recovery Area (WRIA) that include representatives from local government, community groups, tribes, state and federal agencies, businesses and individual citizens. Funding for habitat projects is gathered by partner organizations within the watershed councils and has been instrumental in directed millions of dollars to salmon recovery work.