Recycling services return to county’s Renton transfer station

In an effort to encourage continued recycling and help achieve a goal of zero waste of resources, King County is restoring recycling services at its Renton, Houghton and Shoreline solid waste facilities.

In an effort to encourage continued recycling and help achieve a goal of zero waste of resources, King County is restoring recycling services at its Renton, Houghton  and Shoreline solid waste facilities.

“We heard from many residents in these communities who liked the convenience of recycling at transfer stations, and we want to ensure that recyclable materials continue to be collected for recycling – rather than thrown away with the garbage,” said Pat D. McLaughlin, director of the Solid Waste Division of the county’s Department of Natural Resources and Parks.

King County discontinued recycling at the transfer stations in early 2012 in an effort to reduce costs and eliminate a duplicative service.

McLaughlin said funds to allow the division to continue free recycling services at the Houghton, Renton and Shoreline recycling and transfer stations were restored as part of the new solid-waste rate that went into effect Jan. 1.

The division is looking at ways to bring the service back in a more efficient and economical fashion, including adding cardboard compactors, that would allow transport vehicles to more efficiently pack materials and cut the number of hauls nearly in half.

“Customers can help reduce the cost of recycling by sorting their materials correctly and not putting garbage or other unacceptable items in with their recycling,” McLaughlin said.

Contamination of recyclable materials in the recycling bins at King County facilities has also resulted in a significant decline in recycling revenue; the success of the recycling program depends upon the quality of the materials recycled.

More information on the King County Solid Waste Division is available at