If you think Renton Police Detective LeAnn Whitney might be slightly crazy, you are not alone.
“Ha! Thats what my co-workers tell me every year,” she said in an email.
Whitney is the department’s representative for Special Olympic of Washington and organizes the annual Run With The Cops Fundraiser. But that’s not what makes her crazy.
On Friday, Whitney will be at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle for the annual Super Polar Plunge. For the third straight year, Whitney will be jumping into the Puget Sound every 30 mins from dawn until dusk. Then, they’ll come back on Saturday for the official Polar Plunge and will jump in two more times.
With the Sound sitting at about 45 degrees, THAT is what makes her crazy. But For Whitney, it is just another opportunity to raise money for a charity she believes in.
“I really enjoy working with and raising money for the men and women who compete in the Special Olympics,” she said in an email. “The money officers raise supports the Athletes while they are given the opportunity to compete and experience events that make their lives even more memorable.”
Whitney is presently raising money for the jumps. She must raise a minimum of $1,500 and is presently a little short of her goal.
“Helping in the way of donating greatly helps the Athletes build social skills and form lifelong friendships through competition,” she said.
To donate to Special Olympics Washington and to help Whitney reach her goal, visit https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1124703&supId=376265119.