The Renton Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the draft Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS on Wednesday (Jan. 5).
The public hearing is at 6 p.m. in the chambers of the Renton City Council, seventh floor, City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way.
Citizen comments will be incorporated into the final document.
The city’s planning staff presented an overview of the draft the document recently to the City Council. The proposal looks at redevelopment ideas in the Highlands area on Sunset near such cross avenues as Harrington and Edmonds and the Greater Hi-lands Shopping Center.
The public can comment through Jan. 31. Send comments to senior planner Erika Conkling at or by mail to Erika Conkling, City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057.
Key public players in the future vision are the City of Renton, the Renton Housing Authority and the Renton School District.
The plan offers three options. In the “full vision” the Renton Housing Authority’s, 100-unit Sunset Terrace apartment complex is redeveloped with 500-plus, mixed-income units. Investment is made in new community facilities, such as parks and recreation, social services and education. Stormwater detention is enhanced.
The full draft document is available online. Hard copies also will be available for review at the downtown Renton and Highlands libraries and the sixth floor of City Hall at the customer service desk.
A hard copy is $35; a CD is free.