“Shanghai Nights” is the theme for Renton Soroptimists’ annual dinner auction 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 5, at the Tea Palace, 2828 Sunset Lane N.E., in the Renton Highlands.
Auction action during the festive evening will be directed by the Rev. Kirby Unti. Funds raised support an array of community programs: continued donations to Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank and its food-filled weekend backpack outreach in the schools, the new free Community Supper, Renton Clothes Bank, Vision House, Communities in Schools of Renton, YWCA, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Domestic Abuse Women’s Network and others. Proceeds also fund local scholarships and important projects of Soroptimist International, with a focus on helping women in the nation and globally.
Tickets for the event are $45. For reservations, contact president Lori Prantner at 425-228-3440, ext. 2665, or e-mail loripran@hotmail.com.