Repairs begin on Upper Cedar River Trail

The section of the trail on the north side, or right bank, of the Cedar River between Williams Avenue North and the Renton Senior Activity Center closed Monday and will remain closed through Dec. 13 to allow for repairs of the 35-year-old walkway.

The Upper Cedar River Trail is getting a facelift.

The section of the trail on the north side, or right bank, of the Cedar River between Williams Avenue North and the Renton Senior Activity Center closed Monday and will remain closed through Dec. 13 to allow for repairs of the 35-year-old walkway.

According to Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director Leslie Betlach, the closure is to allow for the repaid and replacement of the walkway, which has become “heaved” and “cracked” due to the roots of trees pushing up on it and is potentially unsafe because of it.

It is the first time the surface has been replaced since being installed in the late-1970s.

“Everything has a lifespan,” Betlach said. “That’s a long time.”

Betlach said the panels of trail along the river will be removed, along with the brick pavers on the top and the trail will be inspected and then rebuilt.

The path itself will be narrowed from the current size of 10 feet to eight feet in width, but the paver bricks will be replaced with concrete that has been stamped to keep the same appearance.

“It will look like pavers to match the rest of the trail system,” Betlach said.

The cost of the replacement project is $120,980 and the money comes from the city’s Capital Improvement Fund.

It should reopen this winter when the work is complete.