Shoelaces sticking out of shirt give away shoplifter | POLICE BLOTTER

The following information was complied from Renton Police Department case reports.

The following information was complied from Renton Police Department case reports:

A Kent woman in need of a birthday gift for a family member was arrested after she tried to steal children’s clothing from Fred Meyer on Rainier Avenue.

While she was being interviewed, two pairs of new shoelaces were sticking out of her coat pocket.

The woman had about $10 in cash. The officer asked for identification, but the 35-year-old woman said her purse had been stolen the day before. She didn’t file a police report.

She admitted the shoelaces belonged to Fred Meyer.

A store security officer told officers the woman collected clothes in the children’s department and the shoe department, concealing the items in a reusable shopping bag.

She was detained outside after she failed to pay for the items, valued at about $250.

She was taken to the regional jail, SCORE, and booked for investigation of third-degree theft.

Women threaten each other

Two women, neighbors on Southeast 164th Street, have been threatening each other for weeks.

The arguing apparently stems from damage to a mailbox, in which a claim was filed in small-claims court.

The two women, ages 22 and 43, have used verbal assaults, including racial slurs, and death threats. Some of the exchanges were captured on a cell phone’s video camera, but the audio was poor.

The officer told the two women to stay away from each other as much as possible and try not to antagonize the other. They told the officer they would but blamed the other for the problems.

Man hits pregnant girlfriend

A 22-year-old Renton man was cited for fourth-degree, domestic-violence assault after his girlfriend, who is six-months pregnant, told an officer he had hit her in the face about 10 times.

The boyfriend had asked the victim whether she wanted a ride home; the 19-year-old preferred to be picked up by her parents.

The man grabbed the cell phone as she tried to call her parents. The two struggled over the phone and she was punched in the face. She said the man brought her to the ground and hit her several more times.

A woman inside the home where the assault occurred outside didn’t call 911, because she told an officer she didn’t see a reason to call.

The man left, but he was cited and the case was referred to city prosecutors for review.

Burglars take cash, jewelry

Cash and jewelry were taken and the home’s bedrooms ransacked in a residential burglary June 10 on Southeast 172nd Street.

The breakin occurred during the day when someone kicked in the front door. Damaged was estimated at $300.

About $50 in cash was stolen and the resident was determining what jewelry was stolen.

It’s called a ‘safe’ for a reason

Burglars attempted but failed to grind their way into the safe June 13  at Plum Delicious restaurant on Northeast Sunset Boulevard.

The burglars used a power cord to run the grinder, which apparently tripped three breakers in the business. The cord was continually moved from outlet to outlet to keep the grinder running.

Entered were the office, breakroom and pantry. A file cabinet was opened and vases were broken in the breakroom. A fingerprint was found on the vase.

The burglars entered through a little-used rear door to the restaurant.