To help straighten out its far northeastern border, the City of Renton last year annexed two small communities near Honey Creek with a rarely used annexation method.
It’s known officially as the unincorporated island method and is used for areas less than 100 acres in size and where at least 80 percent of the boundaries touch a city.
That requirement fits Honey Creek Estates and Sunset East on either side of the State Route 900 roughly between 142nd Avenue Southeast and 148th Avenue Southeast.
Honey Creek is 18.2 acres and its population estimate is 106. Sunset East is 15.9 acres and its population is estimated at 35.
“It was a matter of trying to clean up our boundaries,” said Alex Pietsch, administrator of the city’s Department of Community and Economic Development.
What makes the island method relatively unusual is the process the city follows to annex an area. Typically, property owners initiate annexation through a petition drive. In the island method, the city initiates annexation, notifying the affected residents and holding a public hearing.
The annexation becomes final with a vote of the City Council; residents don’t get to vote before they’re annexed.
But annexation is still not a done deal. State law gives residents a chance to vote to revoke annexation and remain unincorporated, which is what is happening in the Feb. 9 special election.
Enough signatures were gathered on referendum petitions to place the issue on the ballot. A “yes” vote revokes the annexations
A third area – South Duvall – was annexed last year under the island method, but the annexation wasn’t challenged.
Pietsch said the three annexations are likely the first time the city has ever used the unincorporated island method to incorporate an area. He said there was “very little response” to the city’s outreach to the neighborhoods.
There is no statement for or against the Sunset East referendum in the Voter’s Pamphlet.
Opponents of the Honey Creek annexation have written a statement for the pamphlet. They argue annexation would mean higher taxes and fees.
Two of their statements contain factual errors.
They write that the area would remain served by King County Fire District 10, while their taxes would go to the City of Renton. However, associate city planner Angie Mathias said the area would be served by Renton’s fire department.
Opponents also write that while the area is in the Issaquah School District, that could change if annexed because the Renton City Council could decide otherwise. However, Mathias said the City Council has no jurisdiction over school district boundaries.