Renton will get hit with another storm tonight with a southerly winds around 23 to 30 mph and gusts up to 48 mph, according to the National Weather Service.
There is a NWS wind advisory in effect for Renton and most of Western Washington.
Chance of precipitation Thursday night is 100 percent with a temperature low of 44 degrees.
The wind advisory is expected to stop 1 a.m. Thursday.
The system will continue through Thursday with breezy winds between 15-23 mph and gusts as high as 37 mph. Chance of rain will drop to 80 percent Thursday.
Friday winds are expected to mellow to 9 to 17 mph.
Advisories are issued when winds are strong enough to snap small tree branches, topple shallow-rooted trees or cause local power outages, according to a NWS report.