Workers at many large grocery stores in unincorporated King County will soon see a pay bump of $4 an hour…
Effort to encourage people to run for local offices in 2021
Roads and bridges repair programs in King County are underfunded, and state legislators are thinking of ways to address critical…
Supreme Court decision to strike down drug possesion law leaves oppurtunity to shift paradigm
Bill’s prime sponsor says it will help address healthcare equity and affordability.
The King County Metropolitan Council will vote during its next meeting on whether to grant hazard pay to grocery store…
The governor acted after receiving the recommendation of a scientific panel enlisted by Western states.
Lake Sammamish kokanee aren’t out of the woods by any stretch, but there’s reason to be optimistic about the fate…
Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill that can waive some requirements for students who were on track before the pandemic.
“This should give educators more confidence,” Jay Inslee said. Other frontline workers could soon be next.
In Washington state last September, some 600,000 acres burned within 72 hours.
Report records 120,000 diagnoses in Washington.
The survey suggests Washingtonians drank more than 17 alcoholic beverages a week on average.
Building Industry Association of Washington says state’s median home price is $522,023
$950,000 in grants to be distributed over next two years to groups
Police must stop arresting people for simple possession.
Legislators propose requiring zipper merge instruction in drivers education and in license test.
The governor issued a weekslong pause on regions moving backward, but has yet to outline a Phase 3.
Fall City, Kent libraries among six selected for partial reopening.
Wilson, Braun among sponsors of Senate bill