Letters to the editor for the week of July 12

Reader disagrees with The Reporter’s choice to publish

Dear editor,

I am appalled that you printed the letter to the editor titled “Reader has an issue(s) with Renton Pride (and RPGs)” written by Janis V. Hyne, which appeared in the June 28 edition of the Renton Reporter. If a resident sends in a letter filled with racist hate speech during Black History Month, would you print that too? Would you print a letter quoting the Bible and condemning Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day?

Each episode of LBGTQ+ victimization, such as physical or verbal harassment or abuse, increases the likelihood of self-harming behavior by 2.5 times on average. Does the Renton Reporter really want to be a platform for this abuse?

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people ages 10 to 24 and LBGTQ+ youth are almost five times as likely to attempt suicide compared to heterosexual youth. These kids need our support, not the hate speech printed in that letter. We, as a community, must do everything possible to protect our vulnerable youth.

Renton Reporter, you completely failed when you printed this letter. Yes, there is the freedom of speech, but our community newspaper does not need to be a platform for hate speech. If this hate speech was directed at another marginalized group, I highly doubt you would have printed it.

Pride Month is a time for celebrating the diversity and acceptance in our community.


Pamela Scott


Reader wants rent control for seniors

Dear editor,

Reserve at Renton affordable rent.

My income have not changed since 2016 when I moved into the property. The rent continues to change yearly. I am on fixed income at the same time. After five years the new owners changed the rules, (we are )no longer nonprofit to for profit.

Seniors 65 and older control rent is needed. Asian seniors only pay $200. Their children can live with them rent free as care provider. The truth is seniors are becoming homeless.


Sara Haggin


Reader wonders, why so much Pride coverage?

Dear editor,

I am flummoxed about how a small local paper can take the stance of promoting propaganda in the guise of ‘news.’ I’m thinking particularly of your front page coverage about homosexual teens gathering at the Renton PUBLIC Library who were met with support from other community groups and members, instead of protests. Why is sexual orientation news? Why are you making what’s important to our community all about your personal issues and viewpoints? I wonder if I, as a Christian, chose to stand outside the Renton PUBLIC Library and lift signs that said “Jesus Loves You” if I would 1) be allowed to and 2) be supported by the community.

Also, I am appalled that you would use your position as editor of the Reporter to advance your position as a bisexual in a heterosexual relationship. I think editors are supposed to be objective reporters charged with expressing the voice of issues that matter to many. For example, the Juneteenth celebration was buried much further into the paper and had some local and historical significance. It seems like that might have been a better focus.

The Reporter has definitely taken a turn for the worse since the recent staff changes; I am saddened to see this trend.


Jody Collins
