Richard Gidner resigns from Water Commissioner position
Dear editor ad the customers of King County Water District 90,
It has been my pleasure to serve as a commissioner in Water District 90 for the past 14 years. Due to my age, I have decided to retire. Therefore I am not running for re-election. During my 14 years, the district has made a lot of progress and I believe I am leaving it in good condition.
There are four people running to replace me in the primary election. My recommendation is to vote for Ms. Di Irons. I have worked with Di in several public service venues over the past 20 years and she is the epitome of public service. She is intelligent, persevering and dedicated. Di would appreciate your vote, and I would be pleased also.
Dick Gidner
A sweet letter to The Renton Reporter
Dear editor, I just read your paper while enjoying an iced coffee at Coffee & Cupcakes. It’s been a while since I visited downtown Renton. You are making a nice contribution to this lively and diverse little city. Keep up the good work.
Nancy Helm
Reader wants to see everyone filling out ballots
Dear editor,
It is time, once again, to elect a mayor for Renton. Primary ballots will be arriving in your mailboxes on Thursday. Now, citizens of Renton have an important job to do; sort through the competing claims and platforms and choose the candidate we believe is best positioned to lead Renton into the future.
Renton, like other mid-sized cities in Washington state, faces both opportunities and challenges. We’re uniquely situated at the south end of Lake Washington with access to Seattle, Bellevue and Tacoma. Yet, we’re not well-served by the regional network of buses and light rail. Renton is home to a well-educated workforce with engineers, professors, business owners, first responders and teachers. Yet, home ownership is out of reach from many of our citizens. Renton is positioned for rapid growth in the next decade, but traffic congestion in and around downtown is an increasing problem for many commuters.
Voters need to decide which candidate has the ability to stand in the tension between opportunities and challenges, balance competing demands and move our city forward.
Fortunately, The Renton Reporter has done a lot of the heavy lifting for us by interviewing each of the four mayoral candidates and publishing their responses digitally and in print. Visit the online version for a full text of interview answers at
Voters need to discern which candidate shows a knowledge of the details and offers specific and workable solutions to voter concerns. Which candidate has fresh ideas for our city and which candidate displays an absence of creative thinking? What candidate’s position reflects outreach to the community and which candidate’s solutions are rooted in a slick political consultant’s bag of “talking points”?
Thank you, Renton Reporter for the good journalism. Now, it’s up to us to choose wisely.
Melody Kroeger
Reader supports Ruth Perez for Renton Mayor
Dear editor,
From the first day in office, the new mayor must have the knowledge and insight of just what it takes to make this city work for all of its citizens. The leader truly equal to this task is Ruth Perez.
We have known Ruth for over five years, and we are very impressed by her level of commitment and involvement as a community leader in the city she calls home. Ruth has twice been elected to the Renton City Council. During this time, she has always made it a priority to be receptive to hearing and learning about all sides of an issue. Before making any decision, Ruth truly does her homework and explores all options.
Ruth also recognizes the importance and value of collaboration with other mayors, council members, commissioners and representatives in state and local governments. Through her involvement on regional boards, Ruth has found ways to bring resources to Renton.
Ruth has a solid vision for the future and wants to create thoughtful solutions to public concerns.
Above all, Ruth leads by example. She is a dedicated public servant who is willing to put in whatever time necessary to make things happen. In a nutshell, she knows how city hall works, and will do her due diligence to find the best possible outcomes for all involved.
In closing, Ruth Perez is a bright, educated, articulate, professional woman, who cares deeply about this city and its residents. She deserves everyone’s vote to become Renton’s next mayor.
Darius and Vicki Richards