Maxwell has hand in schools

Elections are the time to speak our truths individually, with no concern of repercussions or consequences. We don’t have to agree or disagree with anyone, just our own conscience. There was a letter in the Renton Reporter recently that said someone should investigate the Renton School District. Since Marcie Maxwell is running as a legislative representative and is a member of the Renton School Board, that might not be a bad idea.

Elections are the time to speak our truths individually, with no concern of repercussions or consequences. We don’t have to agree or disagree with anyone, just our own conscience. There was a letter in the Renton Reporter recently that said someone should investigate the Renton School District. Since Marcie Maxwell is running as a legislative representative and is a member of the Renton School Board, that might not be a bad idea.

Closely following the presidential campaign as an Obama supporter, I’ve heard a lot of talk about “going against your own party.” That simply means taking a stand on your own, instead of agreeing with everyone in your party all or most of the time. In the case of Maxwell, the “party” would be the Board of Directors. The question I would ask of her is, “Marcie, what decisions have you made apart from the other board members that showed you had grit?”

I say that because as a parent and community member I have brought several matters before the Renton School Board where Marcie was seated, as well as Superintendent Mary Alice Heuschel and none of them ever provided a response. They complain about not having funds for needed school projects, our children are failing like the stock market, and they rest on their do-nothing laurels as elected officials.

Whatever the condition of the Renton School District, Marcie Maxwell played a hand. My concern is, if she goes to the Big House, who will represent me?

Beatrice Clark
