Guest op-ed
I have always been fascinated by the titles we Americans have bestowed on our towns and cities over time.
Cartoon by Frank Shiers.
“Carbon footprint” was the crowning achievement of an advertising campaign.
Tony – not his real name – was a gifted writer.
I was listening to the radio on the way in to work the other day when I caught a discussion…
Before we put the veterans back on the shelf until the next observance, I think it’s worthwhile to consider a few of the things they have done for us that we may have forgotten.
On Veterans Day, honor those who served your country.
“We did not expect you to make it,” doc says.
When I ask my students when the next election is, frequently they will say “November 2024” or whichever presidential year is coming up next.
By Jayendrina Singha Ray, Guest columnist
It is plain to me in looking at dogs small and large that a decent share of them are exemplars of love on Earth, innocents who love unconditionally and love their chow.
Next to gasoline and diesel, natural gas also has the greatest number of refueling stations.
Among the most useful things I studied in college were debate, and deceptive messaging in advertising.
With students returning to college campuses, it is time to consider other ways for them to pay for tuition, books…
By Carmen Rivera, Guest column
I have been thinking lately about all the people who by some dark mechanism have managed to willfully blind themselves…
To help bring in more money each year, Serenity Equine Rescue is holding a fundraiser benefit called “Hearts and Horses”…
Cartoon by Frank Shiers
The Kiwanis Club of Renton will be closing its operations in October 2023 after 93 years. (Cartoon by Frank Shiers)