Mayor Denis Law and the Police Department are to be congratulated for taking yet another step to make residents of Renton feel safe in their neighborhoods.
This time, the target of this enhanced police enforcement is the Renton Transit Center and the traditional downtown on South Second and South Third streets.
It simply can’t be denied that while the crime rate in this area may not justify such an effort, there’s much at stake in this critical part of Renton. No denying that what happens downtown can set the tone for the rest of the city. It’s that one unifying and common place where impressions are formed about a city.
But, there’s a practical reason to target downtown. Crime or even a perception of crime, which is prevalent, will keep customers away. And any sense of security has been constantly frayed by a string of shootings likely involved with gang activity. Law and police officers understand all this and are taking action.
It will take much longer to change the underlying causes of this criminal behavior, especially when it involves youth-on-youth crime. But at least that’s on Law’s radar screen and he and Police Chief Kevin Milosevich should continue to use their positons of authority and their insights into human nature to help make Renton a safe and prosperous place.