Visit a Starbucks, help local students | Mayor Denis Law

Providing quality education to our children is critical to the continued economic development of our city and the future of our community. With the new school year already under way, teachers need our help. From African-American history books for elementary students, to wickless alcohol burners to teach middle school students about science, to requests for guitar kits to help high school students who love music, there is no end to the needs of a classroom. And to meet these needs we must all be committed and support our teachers and students.

Providing quality education to our children is critical to the continued economic development of our city and the future of our community. With the new school year already under way, teachers need our help. From African-American history books for elementary students, to wickless alcohol burners to teach middle school students about science, to requests for guitar kits to help high school students who love music, there is no end to the needs of a classroom. And to meet these needs we must all be committed and support our teachers and students.

I am pleased to share an opportunity that will soon be available in Renton that will help secure funding for supplies and projects for our teachers and classrooms.  On Oct. 5, anyone visiting a neighborhood Starbucks can help Renton teachers and students for free. All you have to do is pick up a free $10 gift card from any Starbucks in King County, log onto, and use the cards to help fund the needs of our teachers.  Local public school teachers have posted their requests for needed classroom materials or student projects on and all you have to do is simply select a project that speaks to you.

After the project is completed, you will receive photographs and thank-you letters from the classroom you selected. In each case, the teachers will explain how your donation helped their students learn and grow.

You also have the option of donating more to support teachers’ classroom requests. Additional donations can be made directly through the website at any time.

We are very fortunate to have received this funding for the free gift cards thanks to a collaboration between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,, Starbucks and the Road Map Project.

The Road Map Project is a groundbreaking, community-wide, regional effort that aims to drive major improvements in student achievement in our schools. The project includes a special emphasis on students in South Seattle and South King County. is an online charity that helps support the goals of the Road Map Project by making it easy for anyone to help students in need.

Whether you pick up a free card at your neighborhood Starbucks or dig into your own pocket, you can help make a difference in our classrooms and in a child’s life. In Renton we are proud of our amazing teachers and students. Show your pride by making a difference in a classroom today.

To use your gift card and make a donation please visit donorschoice,org. To learn more about the Road Map Project, visit