
Shifting Vibrations Reviews – Legit AstralHQ Manifestation Audio Track or Fake AstralHQ.com Program?

What are you manifesting in your life? For most people, all they display is problems. Are you broke? Do you wish you could find the right relationship? Do you feel like you deserve more in life?

Most of us have these common thoughts when things in life aren’t going our way. Why is there such a huge collective of people who have a life experience where they feel like they get short-changed? While a handful of lucky elites manage to get everything they want in life?

What do they know that we don’t? Is it possible they have a hidden secret to prosperity and abundance that they’re not sharing with the rest of us?

What the Elites Aren’t Telling You About the Key to Prosperity

The elites learned how to activate their pineal gland, giving them the keys to the universe to unlock all the mysteries in their lives. The pineal gland sits in the brain’s center, which resonates your vibration into the universe.

The thing is, most of us are constantly bombarded with frequencies from the technology around us. The bad frequencies in entertainment, like movies, resonate at 440 Hz, and the frequency coming from a 5G router also affects your physiology, calcifying the pineal gland.

A calcified pineal gland interferes with your ability to tap into the power of the universe and manifest what you want in life. The elites are well aware of this occurrence, but they’re quite happy to keep it out of the public eye so they can get ahead.

The elites understand there is a frequency they can tap into to unlock their brain’s natural ability to decalcify the pineal gland. When practiced regularly, listening to this frequency opens your subconscious mind and shifts your vibration into one of abundance and prosperity.

Ready for change? Start Shifting Vibrations today!

Frequency & Vibration – The Key to Abundance & Prosperity

We all produce a vibration that stems from the thoughts running around in our minds all day. When you have too much going on in your life, your environment dictates your thoughts. That preprogrammed vibration emanating from your mind reflects a toxic environment and perpetuates that reality.

By changing your thoughts, you create a different vibration in your mind, projecting it out into the universe through the pineal gland. When you’ve decalcified the pineal gland and mastered the frequencies, prosperity, and abundance start to show up in your life.

By shifting your thinking, you shift your vibration. The Shifting Vibrations program offers you a chance to learn how to control your environment with your thinking, attracting what you want instead of toxicity.

Change Your Frequency and Shift Your Vibration

The Shifting Vibrations program gives you access to powerful recorded frequencies you can listen to on any device. Your subconscious mind absorbs these powerful frequencies, using them to change your thinking.

Essentially, you’re reprogramming your mind from your old attitude of scarcity to new beliefs of abundance. All it takes to see success is to listen to one track for five minutes a day. If you want to do more, that’s up to you; over eight hours of audio are included in the Shifting Vibrations program.

The more time you put into it, the faster you see results. However, you’ll get plenty of amazing experiences listening for just five minutes daily. You listen to the tracks while you sleep or while meditating. There’s no music or words, just a frequency that wraps around your subconscious and reprograms your thinking to abundance and prosperity.

Here is what’s included with the Shifting Vibrations Program

Track #1 (With subliminal messaging): ‘Fibonacci Shifting Experience’ (Value $47)

Encoded with the Fibonacci Sequence, this frequency trains the subconscious to adopt positive, empowering ideas and beliefs, including that you have the power to manifest your reality. Feel the effects of this powerful frequency just minutes after listening to it.

Track #2 (With subliminal messaging): ‘Reality Shifting Booster’ (Value $47)

A booster track designed to help you improve your sleep quality. Wake up feeling transformed, with a focus on a new life and reality. Think, feel, behave differently, and surprise yourself at the changes that come automatically to your life.

Track #3 (With subliminal messaging): ‘Shaman Beats’ (Value $47)

Shaman calls and a frequency that whisks you away on a spiritual journey. A great choice for deep meditation, astral projection, or lucid dreaming. Modeled on the trance state induced by tribespeople and shamans over the centuries, you left feeling connected to the universe and inspired to achieve your goals.

Track #4 (With subliminal messaging): ‘Lucid Odyssey’ (Value $47)

The ultimate frequency for lucid dreaming and embracing and manifesting your dream life. Enhance the vividity and lucidity of your dreams in a matter of days.

Track #5 ‘Golden Ratio Experience’ (Value $47)

Learn how to resonate and vibrate with the “Golden Ratio.” This frequency attunes you to abundance, synchronizing you to the universe’s vibration. Manifest your vision faster and enhance your vibration to attract more of what you want.

Track #6 ‘New Horizons’ Astral Experience (Value $47)

This frequency takes you on a guided astral projection experience. Learn how to dream lucidly and meditate deeply. Fast decalcification and activation of the pineal gland and amazing results.

PDF Instructions

You get a PDF manual with instructions, detailed descriptions and explanations of the tracks, a troubleshooting guide, tips, and best practices, and more.

Tap into the power of the pineal gland now!

Get Extra Bonuses with the Shifting Vibrations Program

When you commit to the Shifting Vibrations program today, you receive a collection of binaural beat bonuses to fast-track your journey to abundance.

Stormy Escape (Value $47)

Binaural beats are designed to keep you relaxed and focused in your first astral projection sessions. Learn to let go and relax to the ambient sounds of rain noise and waves laced over theta-frequency binaural beats. Listening to this audio improves sleep quality, giving you a restful night.

Theta Brainwaves (Value $47)

Pure theta frequencies for astral projection activities. It’s a great foundational track for people new to the power of binaural beats.

Astral Starwaves (Value $47)

Ideal for lucid dreaming and meditation practices. One of the best options for astral projection. Powerful theta brain wave vibrations are designed to unlock abundance in your subconscious and change your thinking.

Rainy Winter (Value $47)

A combination of ambient meditation and soft binaural beats. It is ideal for meditation and astral projection, relaxing you in just a few minutes of listening to the track. Great for visualizing what you want to manifest in your life.

Royal Awakening (Value $47)

Open your third eye and activate the pineal gland. Learn to meditate in the morning and start your day focused on abundance.

HD Video Lesson (Value $47)

An in-depth guide to how binaural beats work and using them combined with astral projection to activate the pineal gland.

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

Commit to Shifting Vibrations Today & Change Your Outcomes

Now that you understand the power of vibration and how it unlocks the possibilities of the pineal gland, it’s time to commit to change.

We can show you the power of this system, but it’s up to you to take action.

Today, if you commit to changing your vibration, you get all the audios and bonuses in the Shifting Vibrations program for a special price.

Some people would pay thousands of dollars for a proven system to bring abundance into their lives. But today, you don’t pay $997 for access to shifting Vibrations.

Today, you get everything for the special price of $37.

Stef, the creator of Shifting Vibrations, offers a 30-day ‘Manifest or It’s Free’ triple-your-money-back money-back guarantee. Stef doesn’t need your money; he’s already a millionaire many times over. He’s sharing the Shifting Vibrations program to change people’s lives.

Make a change and shift your vibration today; what do you have to lose?

Abundance is one click away, don’t wait!


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